People ages 16 and up soon eligible for vaccines

Photo courtesy Florida

Photo courtesy Florida

Tatiana Compas, Reporter

Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Monday people ages 30 and over are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine as of March 30 and that on April 6, people ages 16 and over will start receiving vaccines in New York. 

This is very important to stop the spread of the coronavirus and especially important to the people who are attending school.

It has been very tough for students being online instead of attending school in-person. Online school comes with many distractions as well as the reality of not being able to see classmates, friends and professors in-person. 

It is highly encouraged that students take the vaccine in order to contain the spread of the virus and of course to protect those around them. 

I, myself, plan on signing up to take the vaccine in April. I believe the doctors and the science that this vaccine will help us as a nation return to normalcy. 

I want to be able to go back to school because it helps me learn better and have a better understanding in the courses I take. 

If any students wish to take part in getting the vaccine, you may sign up here on April 6.